Postdoc Position // Stevanin Lab, Institut de la Moelle épinière et du cerveau, Paris, FR

ProfileWe are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a strong background in either mouse behaviour or histopathology, capable of working independently on this project, whilst integrated into a larger group effort involving academic and industrial settings in three countries. Enthusiasm, determination, resilience and ability to work in a team are essential.

ProjectThe project will employ Anti-Sense-Oligonucleotide (ASO) developed by IONIS pharmaceuticals, the leader in the field, against ATN1, the DRPLA gene. The ASO will be tested for target efficiency in human cells and in DRPLA mouse models and thereafter the top two will be used in an in-vivo study in the mouse to determine the degree of amelioration of DRPLA at behavioural, histopathological and transcriptional level.

ApplicationThe position is available starting from January 2020 for 18 Months. The recruited fellow will also be encouraged to apply for additional funding. For informal enquiries and application please contact Manolis Fanto ( or Giovanni Stevanin ( sending a copy of your cv.

Further information about the labs can be found at the following websites.