1 PhD student and 1 Postdoctoral position in addiction (CRBS, Université de Strasbourg)


The “Centre de Recherche en Biomédecine de Strasbourg” (Strasbourg Biomedicine Research Centre) or CRBS is a unique federative structure set up in 2020 bringing together 10 public medical and life sciences research laboratories, known as research units.

Its areas of research are multidisciplinary: Neuroscience, Immunology, infection and inflammation, Medical genetics, Biomaterials, Regenerative medicine, Cancer and Metabolism. These 10 laboratories are housed in premises designed for translational research in biomedicine, from the fundamental to the applied.

The team Cognitive Neuropsychology and Physiopathology of schizophrenia (UMR 1114, INSERM) is seeking one PhD Student and one Postdoctoral fellow with a background in neuroscience.
The group is a multidisciplinary team and studies the role of G protein-coupled receptors, including opioid and orphan receptors, in brain function and disease with an emphasis on reward/aversion processing, addiction and mood disorders.

The laboratory develops customized genetic mouse mutants with targeted gene mutations to model psychiatric disorders and manipulate neuronal circuitries, and for drug discovery programs (see Otsu et al. Science, 2014; Bailly et al. 2023 Biological Psychiatry and Welsch et al.2023; Biological Psychiatry). Mice are characterized using sophisticated behavioral methods, calcium imaging, opto/chemo-genetics and neuroimaging approaches translatable to human research.

The PhD student and Postdoc will work on hedonic balance and habenula. The goal is to map and identify the contribution of habenular neurons expressing opioid receptors in hedonic balance using genetically modified animals combined with calcium imaging and opto/chemo-genetics.

This project is financed by the National Institute of Health, USA and ANR, France.


The successful candidate must have:

  • For PhD student application: Master in Neuroscience /Pharmacology or equivalent and/or MD/PhD or PharmD/PhD cursus
  • For Postdoc application: PhD in Neuroscience
  • Strong interest in mouse behavior and brain circuit analysis
  • High motivation to conceptualize and develop a research project
  • Excellent writing and communication skills
  • Ability to work in a team

Experience or interest in pre-clinical neuroscience research in the field of mental health is optional.

How to apply?

Applicants are invited to submit their cover letter, CV and reference letters via email to Emmanuel Darcq:
< edarcq@unistra.fr >.


Centre de Recherche en Biomédecine de Strasbourg (CRBS)

The team Cognitive Neuropsychology and Physiopathology of schizophrenia

Bailly et al. 2023 Biological Psychiatry
Welsch et al.2023; Biological Psychiatry
Welsch et al.2023; Biological Psychiatry (2)