Principal investigator: Prof. Marina Martinez >
Stage supervisor: Dr. Marco Bonizzato >
Faculté de Médecine, Département de Neurosciences, Université de Montréal
We are opening several doctoral positions and paid research internships for motivated undergraduate and graduate students. A postdoc position is also available. We propose a translational study in neuroprosthetics, combining engineering, neurosciences and cognitive research.
Research themes: We study the mechanisms that guide rehabilitation atter spinal cord injury.
- How cortical and spinal neuroplasticity contributes to recovery of walk.
- How to guide and enhance these mechanisms to foster recovery after injury.
- How to develop new therapies starting from animal models
Project description: We are developing cortical and spinal neuroprosthetic techniques to improve locomotion after spinal cord injury (paraplegia). Cortical stimulation improves autonomous movements of the leg. We are now evaluating the efficacy of this therapy to help a broader recovery of motor functions. In this study, you will be trained in behavioral techniques and electrophysiology. Parallel engineering research lines include machine learning, design of control algorithms and fabrication of micro-devices.
Your role: Master’s, Doctoral, Postdoctoral projects are available. Full time internships at bachelor or master level are also covered by bursaries. All positions are open, but not limited to, students in neuroscience, medical and biomedical sciences, algorithmic and engineering.
The project is demanding. Medicine/neuroscience/biology: strong background in system neuroscience. Engineers: strong background in control theory / algorithmic.
How to inquire: Please contact P.I. and Supervisor including a C.V. and academic grades transcript.