Team of María Cecilia Angulo
Team: Neuron-oligodendroglia interactions in myelination and myelin repair Insitute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris (IPNP); INSERM U1266, Paris, France
The position will be for 3 years
Starting date: possible from September 2021; prior to December 2021
We seek to hire a highly motivated young postdoctoral fellow to work in electrophysiology in brain slices and in vivo. A background in behavior as well as experience with transgenic mice and glial cells would be appreciated, but not required. The post-doc candidate will integrate our team located in the new Institut of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris (IPNP) inside Sainte-Anne Hospital, a highly stimulating environment. He/she will investigate how neuron-oligodendroglia interactions drive neuronal circuit function and mouse behavior.
Interestingly, cortical GABAergic interneurons and some populations of oligodendroglia are born from the same embryonic origin, migrate through similar routes and interact through synaptic contacts once in place in the cortex. In addition, interneurons and oligodendroglia are demised in a large proportion by programmed cell death at early postnatal stages (Orduz et al., 2019). However, the functional relevance of interneuron-oligodendroglia interactions and their developmental cell death are still poorly understood. The project will explore the impact of the aforementioned common features of these cell types on cognitive processes and neurodevelopmental disorders by using a multidisciplinary approach ex vivo and in vivo in different transgenic mice.
Five recent publications of the team:
- Benamer N et al. (2020) Nat Commun 11:5151
- Mozafari S et al. (2020) Science Advances 6:eabc6983
- Orduz D et al. (2019) Nat Commun 10:4249
- Ortiz FC et al. (2019) JCI Insight 4(9):e123434
- Riva M et al. (2019) eLife 8:e50503Website: candidates should send their CV, a motivation letter including research interests and letters or names of 2 referees to: