PhD grant, NuMeA INRA/University de Pau, France, Dead Line: 15th of January 2020

The NuMeA lab (Nutrition Metabolism, Aquaculture, INRA/University de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle, France) is seeking for outstanding and highly motivated master 2 students to apply for PhD grants proposed by the E2S UPPA in 2020.

Application for PhD grant

Aims: understand the regulation of the metabolic pathways by nutrients in fish and duck, using an integrative approach.

The NuMéA lab benefits from experimental and analytical facilities allowing to implementation of experiments on nutrition and intermediary metabolism in various pioneering topics :

– environmental (nutritional and non-nutritional) programming
– feeding behavior and central control of feed intake (brain and lingual system)
– gut microbiota and host response
– nutrition
– flesh quality related to new ingredients
– nutritional metabolism (including glucose, lipids, amino acids and micronutrients) – autophagy
– pre- and post-transcriptional regulation of genes (including epigenetics, miRNA,

– cellular regulation at signaling level (mTOR signaling, insulin/glucose signaling,

amino acids signaling…)

Altogether, these topics help to identify key molecular events that control growth and metabolism in order to fulfill our final goal: propose recommendations for new dietary strategies optimizing growth, feed efficiency and development of high quality animal products while respecting animal welfare and production sustainability.

Required application documents (provided in a single PDF file)

  • A first page mentioning your name, licence and master rank, current university and domain of interest within those mentioned above (programming, feeding behavior, microbiota, nutrition, flesh quality, metabolism, autophagy, gene regulation, mTOR/cell signalling)
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Copies of certificates of any academic degrees and marks reports during their master

    studies; for candidates with a Master’s degree in progress during the 2019-2020 academic

    year, please join marks and rankings corresponding to the first semester of the M2.

  • Copies of certificates of French and/or English language proficiency (for non French or

    English speaking applicants)

  • Two letters of recommendation.

    Applications should be sent by email at the following: PhD&