Your research will focus on understanding the role of the prefrontal cortex in the development of compulsive alcohol-seeking behaviors. We are going to combine a variety of state-of-the-art techniques, including chemogenetics, optogenetics, fiber photometry, and Single-Cell Calcium Imaging. The appointment will initially be for 1 year. After a satisfactory evaluation of the initial appointment, the contract will be extended for a total duration of 3 years. This is a competitive salaried position and will be open until filled. The present project is a collaborative work with Dr. Sebastian Carnicella’s research team located in the Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences (
We are looking for an experienced candidate with a Ph.D. in Neuroscience
who is motivated to lead and excited by the science.
Prior solid experience with calcium Imaging and chemogenetics in behaving rodents and surgical techniques is essential.
Experience in working with viral vectors is desirable.
How to apply
CV or NIH biosketch and links to 1-2 favored publications
Cover letter
Contact details for 2-3 references.
To apply, please email Mickael Naassila, Ph.D. at or
Sami Ben Hamida, Ph.D. @
More info
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