3 post-doctoral fellow positions (IGMM, Montpellier, 1+ year)


The Molecular Basis of Inflammation Team, led by Nadine Laguette, is recruiting 3 post-doctoral fellows to work on cell-type-specific nucleic acid immunity.

The Molecular Basis of Inflammation Team is interested in the study of cell-type-specific inflammatory responses and their intertwining with metabolic homeostasis. Inflammation is a normal reaction of the
immune system in response to infections or tissue damage and plays a pivotal role in triggering adaptive immunity. However, unresolved inflammation is pervasive and fosters several etiologically distinct
human pathologies that present with a broad range of symptoms. Such pathologies include cancer, auto-inflammatory and auto-immune disorders, but also metabolic diseases. With the support of the European Research Council (ERC), we will investigate:

  1. how chronic inflammation is triggered in metabolic cells
  2. how tissue-level immunity is controlled in metabolic tissues
  3. whether metabolic alterations fuel chronic inflammatory pathologies

The Molecular Basis of Inflammation Team recently joined the “Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier”, a CNRS/Montpellier University center for basic research, located in the South of France. The IGMM is part of a major CNRS campus in Montpellier and enjoys tight interactions with other major research centers, dedicated notably to chemistry (IBMM, ICCG), cell biology (CRBM) and infectious diseases (IRIM), as well as access to 18 platforms. The IGMM also hosts excellent in-house facilities that will ease the implementation of the project. The campus therefore provides an exceptional environment to foster scientific interactions. The Molecular Basis of Inflammation Team is highly collaborative and enjoys a tight network of interdisciplinary collaborators, providing ground for out-of-the-box ideas and strategies.

Applications should be sent as soon as possible (before the 1st of July 2023). The positions are renewable. Initial contracts for 12 months will start from the 1st of October 2023.


To fulfill these 3 projects, the laboratory is actively seeking to recruit 3 postdocs. Recruitment criteria include holding a Ph.D. degree in cell biology, immunology, biochemistry, molecular biology or a related discipline. Overall, expertise in molecular and cell biology, as well as biochemistry is required. In addition, prospective candidates should be able to work autonomously to develop innovative ideas but also collaborate with other lab members to promote interdisciplinarity. Each project will require specific technological and conceptual backgrounds that will be discussed with each prospective candidate.

Amongst such criteria are (for example): expertise in adipocyte biology, expertise in single cell and spatial technologies, or in vivo experimentation skills. Knowledge of lipid metabolism would be a plus.

How to apply?

To apply, please send an email explaining your motivation, background and interests, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references to Nadine Laguette nadine.laguette@cnrs.fr ; nadine.laguette@igmm.cnrs.fr


Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier
Montepllier Biocampus