The Gottfried Laboratory in the Departments of Neurology and Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania is looking to hire a post-doctoral researcher to study the olfactory system using intracranial electrophysiological methods in patients with medically resistant epilepsy. This project provides the opportunity to record intracranial LFP signals from the olfactory as well as the limbic regions of the human brain while patients participate in various olfaction-based behavioral paradigms. The project is uniquely suited to provide novel insights about the human olfactory system, odor coding, and the interaction of the human olfactory and limbic systems. The prospective postdoctoral researcher will have the chance to design and develop their own research questions within this conceptual and technical framework. Furthermore, the candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with other members of the Gottfried lab and with the numerous researchers at U Penn studying sensory perception and coding at the anatomical, physiological and behavioral levels. The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Biology, Psychology, Bioengineering, or other closely related field, and will have expertise in conducting electrophysiology experiments as well as analyzing electrophysiological signals from animal or human studies. Prospective candidates who have expertise in different yet transferable domains are also encouraged to apply.
Interested candidates should contact Dr. Jay Gottfried (jaygottf@pennmedicine.upenn.e
The Gottfried Laboratory in the Departments of Neurology and Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania is looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher to study olfactory coding and perception in awake mice using high-resolution functional MRI. This project will adapt well-established perceptual and cognitive paradigms from human studies to mouse models. The study will integrate optogenetic manipulations to probe cellular and network mechanisms that generate different perceptual and behavioral outcomes. A main goal of the project is to elucidate which brain areas play a causal role in odor perception. The prospective postdoctoral researcher will have the chance to design and develop their own research questions within this conceptual and technical framework. Furthermore, the candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with other members of the Gottfried lab and with the numerous researchers at U Penn studying sensory perception and coding at the anatomical, physiological and behavioral levels. The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Biology, Psychology, Bioengineering, or other closely related field. Expertise in conducting behavioral neuroscience experiments in rodent models, as well as in vivo imaging and/or optogenetics techniques, is desired. Prospective candidates who have expertise in different yet transferable domains are also encouraged to apply.
Interested candidates should contact Dr. Jay Gottfried (jaygottf@pennmedicine.upenn.e