08/01/2018 Post-doc Position – IGF Montpellier

Job description
We are seeking highly motivated and skilled candidates with expertise in mouse behavior, cell-type type specific approaches for manipulating circuit function. The appointee will test a novel hypothetical framework that could account for the impact of stress on the progression of Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology. For this, we developed a novel conditional genetic mouse model to manipulate the neurotrophic-priming of glucocorticoid receptor signaling.

Desired skills and experience
• Molecular biology
• Handling mouse colonies
• Behavioral assays
• Stereotactic injections
• Biochemistry
To apply Send a letter of intent, a full CV, and contacts of 2 reference to freddy.jeanneteau@igf.cnrs.fr




Tel : +33 (0) 4 34 35 93 09          Fax : +33 (0) 4 67 54 24 32
Courriel : freddy.jeanneteau@igf.cnrs.fr

JEANNETEAU Lab at Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle

141 RUE DE LA CARDONILLE – Montpellier – F-34094 Cedex 5 – France