Gallery – Bordeaux International Workshop on Industry in Neuroscience & NBA Symposium 2015


   On June 11th, a Symposium on Industry in Neuroscience took place in Bordeaux. It was coupled with the 1st Symposium of the NBA (June 12), allowing Master students to present their research.

Symposium on industry in Neuroscience : June 11th, 2015

  Our main goal is to sensitize local Master and PhD students to the non-academic world. We invited world-class speakers highly active in the field, both from academia and industry, to jointly share knowledge and open up discussions on the interaction between industry and universities. Each talk was about 40-45 minutes, followed by questions from the audience. Sessions were spread over 2 half days with lunch/discussion between students and speakers. If you are a master or PhD student in Neuroscience, curious of what the industrial world could offer, it was made for you ! Here are the invited speakers and their talks subjects.

“R&D in the Pharmaceutical Industry : from a CRO point of view” by Christophe Drieu : Head of Non Clinical Pharmacology Department, Biotrial (Rennes, France).

“Roche Vision of the Future of Industrial Research in Neuroscience and Future Jobs” by Dr Céline Bouquet : Head, Institut Roche de Recherche et Médecine Translationnelle, Global Academic Alliances, Pharma Research & Early Development (Basel, Switzerland).

“Blood-Based Biomarker Profiles in Neuropsychiatry” by Dr Christophe Gerald : President and CEO, Transcription Diagnostics, Inc. (Boston, MA USA).

“The novel strategic innovation model in pharmaceutical research : causes, solutions and consequences ” by Olivier Bergis : Leader of the Imaging and Animal Models group – Translational Science Unit, SANOFI (France).

Robustness and generalizability in preclinical R&D – top line of the challenges” by Thomas Steckler : Janssen Research & Development, (Beerse, Belgium)

“A journey in the Industry by Erwan Bezard: DR INSERM; Directeur de l’Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives; CEO Motac France (Bordeaux, France).


1th Symposium of the NBA :  June 12h, 2015

   Master students in Neuroscience in Bordeaux have presented their internship research work during the 1st NBA symposium. Each talk lasted for 10-15 minutes, followed by questions from the audience and from the jury composed of PhD student coming from all neuroscience Bordeaux institutes. This high quality day allowed participants to get an official abstract and an official oral présentation, and for the 3 best talks to get prizes. Moreover, the end of school year buffet was an opportunity to share good times with professors, researchers and with neuroscientists artists such as Alicia Lefebvre ( Finally, official promotion photos were taken !

Here are the abstracts of oral communications : Abstracts


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