The i-Bio program builds on the cutting-edge interdisciplinary research developed at Sorbonne University and offers a wide range of interdisciplinary research topics. Beside their work in the lab, PhD students will benefit from a variety of educational programs, top quality research facilities, training initiatives, international partnerships and conferences. They will be affiliated to one of the doctoral schools of Sorbonne University.
Where: within host teams affiliated to the Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine ( or Institut du Fer à Moulin ( Teams proposing to train a PhD student have posted their offer on the i-Bio website.
When: starting the 1st of October 2020, for 3 years.
- students holding a Master degree (or equivalent) from all nationalities,
- students with a background in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Computational Biology,
Mathematics or Engineering,
- students highly motivated to work at the interface between biology and other
How: Applicants should first contact the project leaders and then apply by June 12, 2020.
Visit the i-Bio website for details.
i-Bio website: Contact: