Title: Role of the anion channel LRRC8/VRAC in NLRP3 inflammasome activation
Cellular biology
Molecular biology
The 3-year doctorate will be funded by the LABEX ICST and must imperatively start from October / November 2020 at the Molecular Physiomedecine Laboratory, CNRS-UMR7370, Nice, France, in the Physiology and physiopathology of ion transport group.
The PhD will be carried out under the supervision (co-direction) of Christophe Duranton and Isabelle Rubera.
How to apply : Interested and motivated students should send as soon as possible a CV, a motivation letter, master scores/ranking and reference letters to
Contact :
Dr Duranton Christophe (PhD, co-team leader)
University Côte d’Azur
LP2M CNRS-UMR 7370, tour Pasteur 28 avenue de Valombrose
06107 Nice, France duranton@unice.fr
For more info: PhD THESIS LABEX LP2M EN