Profile : PhD candidates that hold a Master Degree in Neuroscience, Cell Biology or related field. The candidate should have a competitive CV in order to apply to Spanish national, regional or university PhD calls.
Project : The applicant will develop his/her PhD thesis under the supervision of Olatz Pampliega PhD and he/she will study the mechanisms that govern cilia mediated autophagy in neurons and astrocytes. The PhD candidate will use in vitro and in vivo techniques to understand how the primary cilium and its signaling pathways modulate autophagy activity in animal models of neurodegenerative diseases.
Lab : Achucarro is a neuroscience research center focused on the study of glia, fostered by Ikerbasque and the University of the Basque Country, and sited at the main campus of the university in Leioa (Biscay, Spain). The center is equipped with the latest technology, including confocal and STED super-resolution microscopy, slide scanner, FACS, two-photon microscopy, electrophysiology, surgery room and animal facility, CX7 High Content Screening,and Seahorse technology for analysis of cellular metabolism, among others. Achucarro has also access to the nearby general services from the University such as the central animal facility, confocal and electronic microscopes, genetic analysis platform, etc. During his/her PhD the applicant will engage a dynamic international and interdisciplinary environment, with weekly seminars from external speakers and
internal meetings as well. More information about our laboratory at:
Application : Interested candidates should send their CV indicating their grades and a motivation letter to: