1 PhD position in Neuroscience (INCIA, Bordeaux)

Information The Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives et Intégratives d’Aquitaine (INCIA, CNRS) brings together researchers specialised in cognitive and integrative neurosciences. The institute comprises nearly 60 researchers and faculty members and covers various research fields which include cognitive neuropsychology, neuroscience, psychophysics and computational science to address basic scientific themes such as neural network operation underlying adaptive […]

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1 PhD student and 1 Postdoctoral position in addiction (CRBS, Université de Strasbourg)

Information The “Centre de Recherche en Biomédecine de Strasbourg” (Strasbourg Biomedicine Research Centre) or CRBS is a unique federative structure set up in 2020 bringing together 10 public medical and life sciences research laboratories, known as research units. Its areas of research are multidisciplinary: Neuroscience, Immunology, infection and inflammation, Medical genetics, Biomaterials, Regenerative medicine, Cancer […]

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2 PhD scholarships (Strasbourg)

EURIDOL gathers interdisciplinary research teams from neuroscience (fundamental and clinical), pharmaceutical chemistry, human and social sciences, and psychology. All these teams do research on “Pain” from their respective disciplinary approach. EURIDOL Master and PhD Students register at the University of Strasbourg and have access to specific pain-related training. The EURIDOL Graduate School of Pain of […]

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3 PhD scholarships for international students (Marseille, France)

Information Three PhD contracts in neuroscience (within the NeuroSchool PhD Program) are available at Aix-Marseille University (France) for students with a master’s degree from a foreign university. NeuroSchool plans to fund up to 3 x 36 months of PhD salary through this call, which will be distributed among the top-ranked candidates. Note however that candidates for […]

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Responsable des actions scientifiques – Fédération pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau (Paris, France, CDI)

Informations La Fédération pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau fédère de grandes associations qui œuvrent dans le domaine des maladies neurologiques et psychiatriques. Elle fait appel à la générosité du public au travers d’actions de marketing direct, à l’occasion d’évènements dont le plus connu est le Neurodon et grâce au soutien d’entreprises au travers d’action […]

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