Gallery – Federation Bordeaux Neurocampus Day 2016

At Haut Carré, Tuesday, June 7 , the annual meeting of 6 institutes of the federation took place, with fruitful exchanges, and a day full of scientific meetings… For the first time prizes were awarded to the best presentations by the Rotary Club of Ruffec represented by Bernard Geoffroy. Best oral presentation and the three best posters won a 500 euros prize. Here are the winners and congratulation to them :

Prizes of best poster: – Valentin Langlais – Angelo Nicolosi – Marion Rincel
Prizes of best oral communication: Shauna Parkes

For the second year already, NBA membres acts during this days as Chairman, Chaiworman, and as wine testers ! For more photos, we invite you on the Bordeaux Neurocampus article. June, 7th 2016
