POSTDOC POSITION IN NEUROBIOLOGY/NEUROENGINEERING 1.5 years at Neurotechnology Center of Institut de Neurociences de la Timone (CNRS, Aix Marseille FRANCE)


The Social Cognition and Connectomics lab is looking for a postdoc to investigate how brain rewiring controls learning and behavior using novel optogenetic tools.
During adult life, brain circuits undergo profound reorganizations over a surprising large scale. These observations led to the emergence of the brain rewiring concept. This theory postulates that dynamic rearrangement of long-range circuits connecting brain structures allow to learn new skills and to face environmental changes. However, current approaches prevent brain rewiring studies from establishing causality between structural reorganization and individual learning capacities. To overcome this limitation, we have developed an innovative technology termed RAIL (Remodeling of Axon Induced by Light) to connect and disconnect axon projections on-demand.
The candidate will combine this unique methodology with large-scale analyses in live animals to investigate how brain rewiring controls behaviors and learning performance. Our methodology combines state of the art brain-on-a-chip devices, photoinducible molecular constructions, videomicroscopy, virus-mediated circuit tracing, and behavioral analyses in mice.

The position is funded for 18 months by the ANR. Salaries will depend on the postdoc experience and qualification. Position available now


PhD or MD/PhD with a background in Neuroscience or Neuroengineering are welcome.
Applicants should show high motivation, independent skills and strong interest in cell biology and system neuroscience.

Prior research experience with microfluidic-based co-cultures, molecular cloning, multiphoton microscopy, or animal surgeries will be advantageous.

How to apply

Applicants should provide a CV, a cover letter and contact information of 2 references to

Important links

The team:

Relevant papers from the team include Virlogeux et al 2018 Cell Rep, Moutaux et al 2018a Sci Reports, Moutaux et al 2018b Lab Chip, Cazorla et al 2014 Neuron.