PhD student position in neuroscience: neural bases of appetitive and aversive memories

A PhD position is open in the team “Molecular and Neural Coding of Behavior” to work with Stephanie Trouche (; at the Department of Neuroscience, Institute of Functional Genomics, CNRS, INSERM, University of Montpellier, France ( Our research aims to study the neural circuit and mechanisms of appetitive and aversive memories in mice by combining electrophysiological, anatomical, behavioral (learning and memory tasks) and genetics-based techniques. The project involves stereotaxic surgeries, image acquisition/analysis, in vivo electrophysiology, optogenetics and data analysis.

Profile: the candidate must have a background in Neuroscience, Cognitive Science or Engineering, and experience in rodent behavior. Hands-on experience in intra-cranial surgeries, electrophysiological recordings and data analysis (Python/Matlab) would be a plus. The applicant is expected to have very good verbal/written communication skills in English and a critical approach to scientific literature.

Funding: This position is for 3 years (ANR JCJC DYNAFEAR, PI: Stephanie Trouche), starting from Fall 2020 or early 2021.

Applications including a 1-page cover letter, CV, a detailed statement of skills and contact details for two-three referees, should be sent to Deadline for application is August 15th 2020.

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