A Ph.D. student position is available at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology (DPT) of the University of Lausanne to study the function and regulation of acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs). ASICs are neuronal ion channels involved in pain sensation, fear behavior, and neurodegeneration after ischemia (for review see Wemmie JA et al., Nat Rev Neurosci 14: 461-471, 2013; Kellenberger S and Schild L, Pharmacol Rev 67: 1-35, 2015). We are a relatively small, dynamic research team, studying ion channel function from different angles. In our work we aim at understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying ASIC activation. In the particular project for which the PhD student is hired, she/he will investigate activation and modulatory mechanisms of ASICs in the cellular context. In this work, the PhD student will use approaches of electrophysiology, cell biology and biochemistry to study ASICs in cellular expression systems and in neurons. We are well integrated in a department whose main research interest is cellular signaling. This department (the DPT), with 10 research teams, offers a stimulating and competitive research environment in modern biology with multidisciplinary expertise.
Your profile:
We are looking for a talented and motivated doctoral student. Applicants should hold a Master or equivalent academic degree that is acceptable for admission as a PhD student in one of the doctoral schools at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne (www.unil.ch/ecoledoctoralefbm). Experience in electrophysiology, molecular biology, cell biology and animal studies is welcome and will be an advantage.
Beginning: March 2020
Applications by e-mail are invited in the form of a motivation letter, a curriculum vitae, copies of University exams and degrees, a brief description of laboratory experience and the master thesis, and the names and addresses of two academic references, before October 21. Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.
Contact address for inquiries and for submission of applications: Dr. Stephan Kellenberger PD-MER, Département de Pharmacologie et de Toxicologie, Université de Lausanne, Rue du Bugnon 27, CH-1011 Lausanne, tel. ++4121 692 5422, stephan.kellenberger@unil.ch , www.unil.ch/dpt/home/menuinst/recherche/groupe- kellenberger.html