The CBI is seeking a new talented group leader, at junior level, addressing fundamental questions within the spectrum of the research field of the CRCA. This call covers a wide range of topics such as experience-
dependent plasticity of neural circuits and/or behaviour, pre- and/or post-natal development of the nervous system, cognitive process, mechanisms of individual or collective behaviour, behavioural ecology. These topics
may be addressed at different levels (molecular, cellular, networks, individual, group), using a variety of approaches: genetics, imaging or electrophysiology in or ex vivo, computational modelling, automatic tracking, comparative biology, field studies.
Successful candidates will receive support to establish a group in a fully renovated building (office and lab space for 8-10 people, starting package to support installation), and will be assisted in obtaining a tenured position and in securing extramural funding. They will benefit from a collaborative scientific environment, with access to in- house cutting-edge core facilities, including photonic and (cryo-)electron microscopy, a computer cluster for large data analysis and simulation. They will have access to the Mouse Behavioural Core and other animal facilities for vertebrates (xenopus, zebrafish, rummynose tetra, medaka) and invertebrates (drosophila, honeybees, ants, spiders, C.elegans). Deep sequencing and proteomics
facilities can be accessed in nearby institutes.
How to apply?
(~10 pages, in English) should be sent before May 15, 2022 as a single file named LASTNAME_NAB_CBI2022.pdf to and should include (i) a cover letter, (ii) a CV, (iii) 3 reference letters (which can also be sent directly by referees), (iv) a summary of achievements and (v) future
research interests (2-3 pages)
More info: