Associate senior lecturer vacancies (Lund University Medical Faculty, Sweden)


Lund University Medical Faculty has an open call for recruitment of excellent young scientists. The call is part of a broader initiative to foster future scientific leaders at Lund University: The holder of the position is to initiate and build one´s strong research programme in synergy with ongoing preclinical and clinical research at the Faculty. Candidates with a background in Neuroscience can become members of Lund University strategic research area on neurodegenerative diseases (MultiPark,, which will offer a vibrant scientific environment, excellent networking opportunities, and different forms of support. All candidates will moreover have access to world-class research infrastructures hosted by Lund University, such as the the Center for Translational Genomics (CTG), the Lund Bioimaging Center (LBIC) and MAX IV. As an associate senior lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, you will develop your qualifications over a period of 5 years and can then be promoted to permanent employment as a senior lecturer and eventually a professor. You will receive five weeks of training in teaching and learning in higher education and also get the opportunity to learn Swedish through the University’s Swedish language courses for new international staff. We will offer support for the move to Sweden to you and your family. In Sweden there is an excellence programme for international researchers, the Wallenberg Academy Fellows, funded by the country’s largest private foundation. If you become one of Lund University’s nominees for the prestigious Wallenberg Academy Fellows 2025 (WAF), you will also receive a start package from the University. The size of the start package will be negotiated along with other terms of employment and applies for your five first years as associate senior lecturer. Read more about the Wallenberg Academy Fellows programme here.

Form of employment: Fixed-term position, 5 years, with the opportunity for promotion to permanent employment as a senior lecturer.

Position start date: earliest on February 16, 2025.


  • Promising researchers aiming to lead pioneering research projects.
  • PhD degree obtained within 5 years from the application deadline (i.e. not earlier than February 15th 2019, with extensions for parental leave, sick leave, or military service).
  • Reserved to applicants with experience of post-doctoral biomedical research in an international environment outside of Sweden, resulting in publications at a high scientific level.
  • Not needed to have held a position or scholarship in Sweden during the past 4 years (i.e. after February 15, 2020).

How to apply?

Applications are to be submitted in accordance with the Faculty of Medicine’s guidelines for academic appointments, see List of qualifications for lecturers and Create a CV. Application deadline: February 15, 2024 (11:59 PM).


For further information about the position please contact: Faculty of Medicine Vice-Dean David Gisselsson Nord, Phone +46 73 391 40, e-mail:

Information on application formalities can be obtained from Recruitment Officer Eva Nilsson, Phone + 46 46-222 17 89, e-mail:

Information about strategic research in neuroscience at the Faculty of Medicine can be obtained from: Prof. Angela Cenci Nilsson, MultiPark Coordinator, e-mail: